Into all the World

Equipment for evangelization

Making Jesus known

Growing in the power of God

The ministry “Into all the World” was created to make Jesus known worldwide. We want to be a part of this movement by following Jesus’ commission ourselves and training other believers in the ministry of evangelism. In December 2023, we produced a full-length movie entitled “INTO ALL THE WORLD” in which we combine teaching with practice to illustrate the mission in movie form and motivate our brothers and sisters to be a light in this world.

How can we serve?

Our young team has it on its heart to equip the church for the ministry of evangelism.

Movie nights with service

We are happy to come as a team to your church, youth club or seminar and show the movie, are ready for Q and A and offer a ministry time with prayer.

Preaching service/seminars

In addition to the movie, we offer equipping as a ministry through sermons or day or multi-day seminars. Please contact us for more information.

Evangelizing together

We have been taking people on the road and equipping them in the ministry of evangelism for many years. Whether you want us to take a single person or large groups on site, please contact us.

Flo Boeffel book scripts

Equipping for biblical evangelism

Equipping for biblical prayer for healing and deliverance

Follow us on YouTube

The YouTube channel of Into all the World is intended to serve as both inspiration and equipment. In the future, new short films of new mission trips and outreaches from our everyday life will also be shown here regularly.

Support our service

Our ministry has been privately funded to date, but to continue serving in the future, you can support us in the following areas. 100% for the mission!

Cost support for mission trips

Film equipment for future mission trips

Support for communities in Africa

Voices about the service

Contact record